One Giant Leap Ahead


There are times when my little boy truly amazes me, and then there are times when I feel like all my teaching, coaxing, suggestions, and lessons are fruitless.  For the past few months, Little Lewie has been, well, Little Lewie.  On some days, he'd learn new words to add to his vocabulary, and then other days, decide that he's going to return to his "baby talk"--babbling a mile a minute in his own language.  On some days, he'd be Mommy's perfect little angel, listening to my requests and letting me bartar with him.  ("Okay Lewie, if you're good in the store, Mommy will let you have a cookie in the car," or "Okay if you're good for me in the post office, we will go to your favorite park to play.")  On other days, Little Lewie will take a screaming, red-faced, full blown temper tantrum, keeping me from being able to pick him up, let alone strap him in his carseat.  

Yes, to put it mildly, his progress or milestones have seemed to flipflop.  There have been some days that I see him inching to the three year-old mark, and then other days when his tantrums remind me of his outburts a year ago.   I never know when I'm going to be excited, frustrated, or simply ambivalent to it all.

This weekend, however, Little Lewie moved toward the three year-old direction again, and I was left amazed at how much he seemed to do and comprehend all at once.   Over the past couple of days, he started saying more words, including (finally) his own name.  Oh, he won't say his name if we ask him, but oddly enough, I caught him calling out "Lew" to my husband.   Instead of calling him Daddy, he decided to grab his attention by referring to him by his real name.   As I shouted, "Lew, can you come over here for a second?"  Little Lewie decided to help me..."Lew...Lew!"

Then, my little boy (for lack of better words) went poopy in the potty.  I was shocked!  We hadn't even started potty training yet, but I do have a small potty in the bathroom that I've shown to him once or twice.  On Sunday morning, I asked him if he was "going poopy" since he sure smelled like it.  Then, on his own, he ran to the bathroom, moved his small potty away from the corner and sat on it.  I explained to him that we had to take off his PJ's and his diaper first, and then I let him have some privacy.  After two failed attempts, the third time was a charm!  He called for me to come to the bathroom because he "went poopy", and sure enough, he did!

Oh, by all means, my little boy isn't potty trained yet, but I'm shocked at how much progress was made this weekend without even any pushing, coaxing, or bartaring on my part.  Yes, this weekend, I've learned that all my teaching and parenting may actually be fruitful after all.  The learning will just appear in Little Lewie's own time, not mine...

Have you been amazed by any milestones lately? 


  1. That's awesome! KLV's tantrums hit a fever pitch around 18 months. Now that she is 2 they are starting to dwindle - phew. Congrats on him going to the bathroom. That's great. We are interested in it but haven't gone. Soon enough she will be driving a car and going to college so I'll take this one day at a time.

  2. AWESOME job Lewie!!! Yea, my (almost) two year old keeps telling me he wants to poopie on the potty and it ends up being 30 minutes of us staring at each other :) My older son was easily potty trained, so I'm sure the younger one will be tough! Congrats to you though, two steps in the right direction!!! WOOOHOOO LEWIE!

  3. Woohoo! Go Lewie go! That's wonderful news! I think the teacher in me has sometimes unreal expectations of what GG can and should be able to do. She's nearly 21 months and sometimes I feel she's lightyears ahead and then others I wonder if I'm doing enough! Ahhh, being a mom...endless worry coupled with an immeasurable amount of pride all the time!

    So happy for y'all!

  4. Yes, we go through the same things here - ups and downs - two steps forward, one step back, etc. It helps to know that it is not a unique experience and your child is probably normal and like the rest of em!

  5. Yay for Lewie! My little guy is 17 months, and right now his language is exploding! And then we'll have a day full of grunts and shrieks and all of the lovely words he knows seem so far away :)

  6. Awesome. You know, each kid is on their own path and they reach milestones at their own pace. I just posted our progress with the potty today too. I've learned that it is far less stressful if you just follow their lead in that department.

  7. Woohoo Lewie!! That's awesome, and it's the first step! It's so funny; once they get it into their head that the potty is right for them, potty training is a breeze. Hope you get more successes!
    I know what you mean about bartering, I seem to do a lot of that in our house too. Right now I'm amazed at Georgia's thoughts. She's started to say things like, "Gigi want climb wall like spider. But it's too high!" It just cracks me up!

  8. You hit the nail on the head with your last comment about "Little Lewie's own time." Rest assured he is taking in all kinds of information. He'll wow you with it when he feels like it and keep it to himself when he feels like it. As adults, I think we sometimes forget how it feels to be asked to "perform on demand" but we do it to our kids all of the time. Congrats on the "poopy in the potty." Summertime is right around the corner, and that's an excellent time for potty training...clothes are a lot easier to get in and out of than bulky winter gear.

  9. You will have more tantrums as time goes on my friend, but it has nothing to do with milestones. Little Lewie is doing a fantastic job and going poopy on the potty is wonderful! Even though you think Little Lewie is not listening to some of the new vocabulary words, etc. you wait and see when he all of a sudden surprises you with all of the amazing things you have been teaching him. All in his time my friend! :) You are a super mommy! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  10. Yay! Potty training Scotty took a while. In his defense, I think it became a control thing because I pushed. So good for you for not pushing :) I love watching kids grow and learn new things...I can't pinpoint any specific milestones Scotty has hit lately, but he's like a sponge picking things up lately. Last night? He hollered at us "I spelled a naughty word!" and sure enough, he'd spelled "damat" on his mobigo. when I asked him what the word was he wouldn't say it, just was so hard not to laugh! At least he's spelling, right?

  11. He's growing up so fast! I figure most things are done on their time. But he's been listening and learning all this time. Goodness, you give me so much to look forward to! Kids are so fun. :)


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