Early last week was difficult; my father-in-law was hospitalized with double Pneumonia (having Pneumonia in both lungs), and my husband and I weren't sure what to expect. (My father-in-law has been ill for a long time, having survived throat cancer, mini-strokes, heart problems, and even Mesothelioma, which is present in his lungs.)
Still, Papa is a fighter. After several days in the hospital, he took well to the medication, and today he's back home with the family. AMAZING! During his illness, he's written a book, and this week he has asked me to help him with starting his own blog. In his eyes, he has too much to live for, and his journey is not over!
On Sunday, my wonderful husband watched Lewie, so my mom and I could go on a bus trip to
Narragansett, Rhode Island. There my mom and I had brunch at the
Quidnessett Country Club, took a lighthouse tour of
Narragansett Bay, and went shopping at the quaint, historic town of
Wickford, Rhode Island. It was a beautiful day; the only "minor" flaw is that we missed the Peter Pan Coach Bus that was supposed to bring us. There was a mix-up of times on the web, and so we learned quite quickly that the bus had already come and gone when we arrived at the commuter parking lot only to see dozens of empty cars and no people! Fortunately, we knew we could drive ourselves with a little help from Google Maps. It would have been easier to sit and nap on the bus, but oh well, the bright side is that we arrived to everything on time, and we even gave ourselves an extra few hours to shop since we had no "bus curfew" to follow. My mom and I are best friends, so it's always fun when just the two of us can get away for a little R&R.
My mom and I posing after a delicious brunch at the Quidnessett Country Club. |
A gorgeous view from the country club dining room. (As we were leaving, wedding guests were starting to arrive...
I so want to go to another wedding. I'm suffering from withdrawal.) |
A view of the Dutch Island Lighthouse from our boat. |
A view of Newport Harbor from the boat... I LOVE Newport! |
A view of the Rose Island Lighthouse and Newport Bridge. |
My mom chillin in Wickford, Rhode Island |
The Beach Rose Café...Don't you just love the colorful buoys! |
A flower box in front of one of the many cute stores... |
An adorable church nestled in between homes from the early 1800's. |
On Wednesday, my husband and I will be celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary. We had some rocky times over the years (when my husband became addicted to prescription pain medication for his back), but I'm happy to report that he's almost one year clean and sober and going strong. Our anniversary is nothing short of a miracle, and I am thankful to none other than God who both gave me the patience to stay in the marriage and gave my husband a new, second chance at life. If our prayers had not been answered, I would be a single parent right now, and my husband most certainly would have turned for the worse. (As we know, stories of full-blown addiction never have happy endings.) This year we feel renewed in our marriage (one day I may share the whole story), and we have agreed that if we're celebrating our 10th anniversary in another two years, we WILL rent a hall, invite all of our friends, and dance until the wee hours of the morning. I cherish my marriage now more than ever, and I NEVER want to take anything for granted again!
Lew and I -- Lake Tahoe in August 2005 |
Next week, to celebrate our anniversary and our little family, we will be going to Tampa, Florida to enjoy the beach, visit the zoo, and to spend a few days in LEGOLAND. For me, going on vacation is my reward for working so hard during the year. It hasn't been easy to go back to work full-time and hold back tears each time my son has asked me to spend the day with him. And it certainly hasn't been easy to stay up all hours of the night to teach online classes to make extra income to pay off bills either. (In-patient treatment for drug addiction costs tens of thousands of dollars, and since our health insurance refused to pay for it, the only viable option was to use credit cards...)
Today I feel blessed. We all go through challenges in life--some that we share and some that we choose not to share. While we are facing these challenges, life can seem very grim, but I'm convinced that prayer is the answer. This week has been a reminder of just how powerful prayer can be...prayer has saved my marriage, prayer has helped Papa get better and come home from the hospital, and prayer is the reason we have good times nearing the corner--a happy Father's Day Celebration with my husband, Papa, and Lewie and a fun trip to look forward to where we can spend quality time together as a family.
(Lew and Papa) |
Life will not always be perfect, but just for today, I will be thankful for what I have...