Bronchitis and some sort of super head cold has struck our house. It all started with my husband. Nearly a week into the New Year, he started coughing and learned early on that he had developed bronchitis. A week later, I had a scratchy sore throat with head congestion. Each day the symptoms of my head cold became more pronounced--achy eyes, throbbing head, raw nose (from blowing too much), and sheer exhaustion. Today, six weeks later, I'm still suffering with a less acute version of it. My husband is still coughing, and now, it appears, it's Little Lewie's turn. Yesterday he started coughing, and today he's feeling tired. Oh no!!!
This super cold has made it so that we're not doing very much at all. We trek back and forth between home, school, and work. We've managed to fit in a few swim lessons and Cub Scout meets (that is, in-between napping and lying on the couch with a box of tissues). And finally, last week, I had enough energy to put away all my Christmas decorations and replace them with my Valentine's Day stuff. Yes, when we're not feeling well, I can only celebrate the little stuff. There's simply not enough energy to do anything more.
Here is a list of our February happenings, especially those that are planned (fingers crossed).
Scout Sunday
Today we celebrated Scout Sunday. Each year, our Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts attend a special mass that is dedicated to recognizing the contributions of young people and adults in scouting (usually the second Sunday in February in our community). There's not too much pomp and circumstance (Thank goodness!); instead, the scouts and leaders wear their uniforms and process in and out of mass with the alter servers, lector, and priest. We sit at mass together, have a few nice things said about us, and then go home with our respective families. Three of our boys brought up the flags this year, and Little Lewie and Dorian brought up the gifts. Thankfully, we all had enough energy to participate and go out for breakfast before we returned home to sleep. (Okay, I suppose I'm the only one that went back to bed. I'm still yawning.)
Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Day
Random Acts of Kindness Day lands on a Sunday, February 17th this year. In the past, I've celebrated the day/week by baking cookies with Lewie and putting together treat bags for some of my closest friends. Little Lewie would then help me deliver them. This year I may change things up a little. If I'm still not over my cold, baking cookies might not be such a great idea, but I'll find another way to surprise my friends and the important people in my life. In fact, I started a little early this year. I've already sent a few care packages to my friends that live the furthest--Alma in Spain and Mary Ann in New Jersey. It's a long story, but let's just say that I met both of them while I was in college--Alma during my first study abroad trip and Mary Ann in our college marching band. I adore both of them!
This was Little Lewie helping me bake Valentine's Day cookies during our first RAK celebration. |
Webelos Crossover Ceremony
On February 22, we will be watching our oldest Webelos cross over. During the ceremony, the Cub Scouts cross over a ceremonial "bridge" and choose one of two paths. They either choose to go on to Boy Scouts (the troop waits for them at the end of the bridge), or they choose to end their Scout adventure, in which case, their parent/s receive them at the end of the bridge.
This particular Webelos ceremony will be bittersweet for me. Thankfully, Lewie is not old enough to cross over to Boy Scouts yet. He still has one more full year, and I've already made a pact with myself that I will do my best to make it the best year ever. However, it will be sad to watch our current Cub Master and our Pack Committe Chair leave with their den of eight boys. We started our Cub Scout journey with them, and they've been the ones to do and teach us everything. Without their encouragement, I would have never envisioned myself to be a leader, and I most certainly wouldn't see myself in the position to become the new Pack Committee Chair. Their dedication has been amazing, and they are the reason the Pack still exists in our town. Lewie will miss having pack meetings with those eight boys--only two of them will be going on to Boy Scouts. It is the end of an era.
We have one more year of Cub Scouts!! |
Jim Gaffigan
There's not much to do when you're feeling tired and sickly. On those days/weekends where it takes every ounce of energy to peel ourselves off the couch, we've decided to laugh our way back to health. My husband and I started to look up our favorite comedians on Netflix and Amazon, and we got hooked. In fact, Little Lewie (now ten) has been able to join the fun, and he's become a huge fan of stand-up comedy. Admittedly, some jokes go over his head, but there are lots of "clean" comedians out there that are very family friendly. Our all-time favorite is Jim Gaffigan, but we also like Brian Regan, Demetri Martin, and Kevin James, to name a few.
After our Jim Gaffigan binge (we watched every video out there known to man), my husband saw that he's coming to Connecticut the weekend of February 22nd! I decided our Valentine's Day present to ourselves will be to see him on stage
live and in-person for his "Quality Time Tour." (I love the name!!)
This is courtesy of Google Images |
So, to come back full circle, I suppose if we didn't get sick, we wouldn't have spent as much time watching TV, which is to say, we wouldn't have gotten reconnected with Jim Gaffigan, which means we wouldn't have been looking for tickets to see him. So, as much as I don't like being tired and having a pounding headache, it was meant for me/us to get sick. I just hope I'll be feeling better for the actual show. I'm stocked up on my Vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea tea.