Spring Ahead?!


Okay, in my last post, I was ready for the soft warm winds of spring, the first buds of daffodils and tulips, the familiar sounds of birds chattering, the excited yelps of children playing in the park, and the days when I could finally leave my long, heavy winter coat behind in the closet for good...

Today was no such day....

We had 16+ inches of snow today.

I should have known.  March roars in like a lion, and that's exactly what it did.  So, now I have to follow my own good advice.  "Be patient," I say to Lewie when he wants something NOW.  "Good things happen to those who wait."

So, now we are in a period of waiting...waiting for the warm weather to arrive, waiting for my husband's knee to heal, waiting for the opportunity to hike, pack picnic lunches, and play outside until the sun goes down.

Today I should have started my spring cleaning, but somehow I couldn't; it's not just about cleaning; it's about opening windows to air out the house and getting rid of lingering germs--the germs that are still chronically making us cough, sneeze, and sniffle.

My own voice keeps halting my inner dialog, "Be patient, be patient, be patient."  What easy advice to give, but what hard advice to follow...

What are you waiting patiently for???


  1. We are patiently (not really) awaiting our move back to the east coast. I love Monterey through the winter months since there is no snow or real cold, but this time of year I ache for warmer weather, not just the low 60s all the time!

  2. I totally understand. It's hard to get into full on cleaning mode when it's freezing outside. I've had company all weekend so I have lots of cleaning today :)

  3. Seriously?? That is a lot of snow! I feel for you guys, hoping that soon as in real soon you will seen some warmer weather. I hear ya on the cleaning, I am lazy and never want to do anything when the weather is like that. Xo

  4. hope it's starting to melt! I'm patiently waiting for a 10 day cold to disappear. It's affecting my mood.

  5. I'm so tired of winter!!! I hope you get your warmer weather soon!


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