New Year's Resolutions 2018


Happy 2018!  This year, I still want all the same things I pined for in 2017-- a healthier lifestyle, quality time with my son, more date nights, increased time with friends, and a larger bank account.  Still, this year, I want to focus on something more...

For once, my New Year's Resolution is to be me.  I think every spouse, parent, sibling, and employee can identify with me when I say that I've spent the last decade pleasing people.  (I think moms can especially relate.) I spend my valuable time at work, and when I'm not working, I'm helping my son with his homework, driving him to after-school activities, planning den and pack meetings for Cub Scouts, scheduling play dates, playing doctor, filing paperwork, planning budgets, grocery shopping, doing laundry, and keeping the house tidy.  (I'm sure I can add other burdensome chores to this list.)

The point I'm trying to make is that when there is always so much to do, I put me, the authentic me, on the back burner.  I forget who I am or what makes me happy.  This year, I'm coming back out, and my family needs to either learn to love some of the activities I enjoy or else let me have free time to enjoy them without making me feel guilty.  Of course, they really don't make me feel guilty--I'm the one that makes myself feel guilty.  So, my first resolution is to stop the guilt and let go...

What do I want to do in 2018?

1.  Bike, hike, walk, and be out in nature.  (My family can do this with me, and I'm going to request an outing at least once per week; during colder temps, it may need to be twice per month.)

2.  Read - I honestly can't remember a time I finished reading an entire book.  I'm going to dedicate at least 15 minutes per day to allow myself to read a favorite article, and on my car rides to and from work, I'll be listening to audio books.  During the summer, I'll try to squeeze in some reading days also...  Even better, I'll schedule in some family reading time.

3.  Blog - I need to get back into the groove of posting once per week and responding to my friends weekly, too.  Sharing our life and reading about others is just good for the soul.  I love my bloggy friends.

4.  Coffee Dates with Friends - I need to schedule at least one day per month to spend time w/ a friend--in-person.  Each month when I put together a calendar, I will schedule a "date" with a friend--even if it's just for an hour or two.  (I also want to plan a trip to visit my best friend, Mary Ann, in NJ.  She moved to her new home three years ago, and I still haven't had a chance to see it.)

5.  Date Night - Ideally, I would like for my husband and I to go on two date nights per month, but at this time, I'll even settle for one.  This is true time to connect by either spending time outdoors or going for dinner and a movie.  I'll begin by setting a date on the calendar each month.

6.  House Tours, Garden Tours, Historical Museums - These are all things I LOVE to do in my spare time.  I need to start scheduling days to do this with family, friends, or by myself.

7.  Time to Daydream - I need to set aside time each day/week to daydream.  What do I want to do this year?  Next?  In five-years?  I usually do this during my afternoon walks, which I hope to resume at work.  For a while, I was working through lunch to get things done.  I need to stop this trend and give myself back this hour of "me-time."

I love peace, nature, and beauty.  I love reading, writing, and learning.  I love instilling confidence in students, friends, family, and loved-ones.  I love green drinks at New Morning, plays in the park, movies at the beach, bike rides on the board walk, hikes in the forest, board games in the evening, star gazing at night, s'mores from a campfire, hot chocolate after sledding, and ice-cream at Rich's farm.

When it comes down to it, I just need to take time to "smell the roses."  I need to let go, savor the moment, be present, and forget about my "to-do" list.  If I can accomplish this in 2018, it WILL be a beautiful year...


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