Lewie's First Communion


The weekend before the tornado, Mother's Day Weekend to be exact, Lewie made his First Holy Communion.  This was a special day for us because it helped solidify his initiation into the Catholic Church, and he made his First Communion in the very same church that I did (thirty-six years ago).

Over the years, I've watched friends and family members stop going to church.  Even more, many of Lewie's classmates and friends are growing up without practicing any type of religion.  While I have been known to miss a few Sunday masses myself, I have continued to be an active member of our church because 1) it makes me feel part of a long-time family tradition, 2) it reminds me to follow the Ten Commandments, especially the most important rule of all: "to love thy neighbor," and 3) it keeps me spiritually connected and grounded.

Lewie and I have a routine every night.  Before we go to bed, we say one thing we're thankful for and we say a few prayers.  Sometimes we pray for sick relatives, sometimes we pray for safety, and sometimes we pray for larger global concerns.  Lewie has learned that God is not Amazon; we can't pray for something and expect it to arrive in a neat little package the next day.  However, he is learning that when life is difficult or scary, God is there to help us.  Rather than be fearful, I remind Little Lewie about the power of  Faith, Hope, and Love.  I remind him what it means to be a good person, and I show him how praying with intention (from the heart) can mean everything.

A highlight from Lewie's First Holy Communion was that he was asked to read the Responsorial Psalm, "I am the Bread of Life."  As he read, he was taught how to put his hand in the air to show the audience when it was time for us to speak.  He did such a great job that everyone, even the deacon, told him that he was "hired" to become a reader.  His response to everyone was the same: "I get the reading gene from my mom."  The reality is that I've personally been reading for St. Michael's Church since I was fourteen years old.  I was asked to read for my Confirmation, and then I was "hired" to read ever since.

Little Lewie standing with little cousin, Crystal.
Other highlights were watching the children bring "gifts" to the priest and seeing them make a circle on the altar to say the "Our Father."  In my mind, the ceremony had more meaning and more symbolism than what I remembered from my First Holy Communion.  It was refreshing to see how over the years, the Church has changed from a "fire and brimstone" mentality to one of more inclusion, love, and compassion.

At the end of the ceremony, we had some treats downstairs in the church basement and then took a few pictures.  Then, less than an hour later, we drove to a restaurant to celebrate with family.  We had a small celebration with less than 20 family members, but it was a nice moment.  We had good company, good food, and a good reason to celebrate. It was a proud moment of honoring tradition while teaching Lewie the importance of practicing faith, love, and compassion.

My mom with Little Lewie

Our proud moment at the restaurant.

Little Lewie and his three cousins, Sarah, Brooklynn, and Lily

Little Lewie and Aunty Missy

Little Lewie and "Ninny"

God Bless You, Little Lewie.


  1. First of all, a big congratulations to Lewie! That's a big deal. Second, you are an amazing mother. Wow! I feel like you and I are soul sisters right now in the way we are trying to raise our sons. I really feel like the world could use more religion, more reminders to be more like our Savior. I go to church and take my children week after week for the same reasons: it grounds me! I've learned so much about the nature of God, learning to trust Him and His timing through prayer and faith. So happy to read that you're passing that along to Lewie as well. And lastly, my hubby and I were just talking about how we think an older mentality totally was 'fire and brimstone' and fear and now it totally has shifted to love. I think love is a much better motivator! Anyway, thanks for letting me blab on and on and pop in to your blog. I hardly read them anymore, though it doesn't mean that I don't care. I do care! Good to see you're doing well.

    1. Thank you, Jessie! It's so wonderful to hear from you! Your blog is still one of my favorites even though I don't get to visit as much as I used to. It's a compliment to be a "soul sister" to an OUTSTANDING mom like you. Yes, I'd say we both have learned a lot about God, love, trust, faith, and timing. It's so important to pass along these values to our little ones--even if they don't quite understand it all just yet. Hugs to you and your family!!


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