October flew by in an instant, and yet, it was probably one of the most jam-packed months we had in a while. It was a month of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows with feelings of love, appreciation, anger, sadness, and nervous anxiety sprinked throughout.
October 3 - My birthday. My mom, Daddy Lew, and Little Lewie surprise me with a small celebration at home. There is some stress, however, because my place of work (my place of work for 21 years) decides to demote me. I can either accept the demotion or get laid-off. My choice--to get laid off. I know in my heart I cannot be my best when I feel totally deflated and unappreciated. October 4, 2022 ends up being my last day. I choose to let love steer me forward.
October 11 & 22 - I get a chance to spend some quality time with my mom--first at Mystic Seaport and then at Angevine Farm in Warren, CT. We shopped until we dropped at Mystic, getting a chance to go into so many cool and unusual gift shops. We ended our afternoon with a classic seafood dinner so typical of a New England seaport village. At Angevine Farm, my mom and I had a chance to go into their small gift shop and pick out a few fall treats while taking in the gorgeous autumn scenery; our dog Bruce came for the ride, too.
October 15 - Little Lewie helps his good friend with her Gold Award presentation. For anyone who is unfamiliar, the Gold Award is the highest achievement within Girl Scouts (similar to being an Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts). Girl Scouts who receive this honor must research an issue (local or global) they care deeply about and create "an actionable plan" to bring awareness to the issue "with measurable, sustainable, and far-reaching results."
Lewie helped serve as "film and video editor" for the video part of her presentation. (He worked with her through Sept. and part of Oct. to put it together.) On the 15th, we came to support her "in-person" presentation, which was wonderfully received by her church community. We were so proud and inspired by her passion and hard work!
October 18 - Daddy Lew, Lewie, and I attend our cousin Sarah's big Senior Night for her Ladies' Swim Team award. We are amazed at watching her compete and are especially emotional to hear all the wonderful things her fellow swimmate (is that a thing?) has to say about her. Sarah's moment ends when she jumps into the pool to swim her very last lap to a song of her choice; her parents greet her at the other end of the pool. The night, truly, was very memorable and special for all 10 ladies that were honored. I asked Lewie if he'd ever be interested in joining the swim team in high school next year. His answer: "Nope."

October 20 - Little Lewie and I have an outing with his best friend Ryan and his mom to see Beyond Van Gogh--an immersive "museum-type" experience, which brings all of Vincent Van Gogh's artwork to life. The attraction begins with a colorful maze, which showcases his personal quotes and informational tidbits about his life. It ended, however, in a huge 30,000-square-foot space, where his drawings and paintings danced and swirled all around us, making us feel as if we were part of the art itself. (There were a few moments during the 'immersive experience' where the artwork, quotes, and music brought me to tears.) My friend and I left feeling inspired while our two boys sort of shrugged and said, "Yea, I guess it was pretty cool." Oh, let the teenage enthusiasm begin!

October 25 - I interview for the first time in many, many years for a Campus Dean of Students and Faculty position. The interview is with five other folks on Zoom, and I'm happy to report that I made it to another round. The group gave me a warm feeling about the college and their commitment to students.
October 21 & 28 - Daddy Lew and I take Lewie and his three friends to Phantom Fall Fest at Lake Compounce and then a Haunted Hayride sponsored by the local Lions Club in Woodbury. On the 28th, the boys sleep over, and I take them on a hike before I return them safely home to their parents. The boys had a great time--so evident that they are at an age where they crave "in-person" interaction over just texting and talking to each other through Xbox.
October 7, 13, 22 & 29 - I get a chance to go for a walk, a lunch date, and have two "witch-themed" evenings with some of my lady friends from work and home. All four days were wonderful reminders of the great friendships and support I have all around me.
October 31 - Halloween. Lewie decides to go trick-or-treating last minute with a good friend from "the past." It is the first time that we are not all dressing up and going out as a family. I am bummed but understand that Lewie is entering a new phase of his life where it's all about his friends... Daddy Lew and I use the time to watch some scary shows together at home.
Yes, October was a SCARY month--in more ways than one. Still, in between the "fog" of uncertainty, I was reminded about this wonderful light and love that surrounds me each and every day. I must trust there is a plan for the next chapter--no tricks, though, just treats!