Our Three-Ring Christmas


Since Little Lewie was born, family photos have been a thing. We used our local JCPenney Portrait Studio for baby pictures during Lewie's first two years and then for holiday photos (in 2017) when Lewie was nine. (I'll be taking a trip down memory lane at the end of this post.)

In 2019, we started dressing up for these photoshoots to make "funny" holiday cards with each one (I think) being sillier than the last.

This year, we all decided on a circus theme since, in many ways, 2024 felt a little nuts. Our family had multiple health scares, surgeries, a career change, perpetual car trouble (my husband's motor blew), and a few nerve-wracking trips. Then, in November, Hubby lost his older sister to Cancer and had to go in for knee replacement surgery two days later (at the same hospital)!

We thought this year's holiday card would be foiled, but as they say in the circus (particularly if an animal got loose or a performer was injured), "the show must go on!" Thus, even though hubby still needed a cane to get around, and our family's spirits were a little battered and bruised, we managed to create our annual card.

Here are our Christmas jammie pictures from 2018--because I couldn't resist!

As we say on this year's holiday card, "From our crazy, Three-Ring Circus to Yours...Wishing you the GREATEST HOLIDAY ON EARTH!" 

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